Open Access Policy

     The journal adopts an open access policy and provides free and open access to all published content. This policy aims to ensure the unhindered dissemination of scientific knowledge and to make it accessible to everyone.
Free Access: The journal provides completely free access to all published articles. Readers can access the journal, read and download articles from any device with an internet connection.
Open Licenses: The journal licenses published content under appropriate open licenses. Typically, licenses such as Creative Commons licenses are used. These licenses facilitate reuse, distribution and modification of the content.
Funding and Sustainability: The journal may use alternative funding models to sustain open access publishing. This could be article processing charges (APCs), institutional support, donations or other sources of revenue.
Compliance and Transparency: The journal fully complies with the open access policy and ensures that this policy is clearly stated for each article published. It also provides transparency about the journal's financial status and resources.
Equality of Access to Information: The journal promotes equity and fairness in access to information. The absence of financial or geographical barriers to access to knowledge promotes scientific progress and societal benefit.
     This open access policy aims to facilitate access to scientific information, increase scientific communication and make the work of researchers available to a wider audience.